The National Association for Media Arts Education
Media Arts is an emergent K-12 arts content area, now initiated through standards in 40 states, which supports student production across photo, video, animation, sound, graphics, 3D design, AI, and XR, game design, web design, etc. These powerful, relevant, and engaging forms are rarely taught in schools. Less than 2% of K-12 students nationally have access to media arts courses!
NAMAE intends to:
Increase media arts programs across US K12 education
Support hundreds of existing and new media arts educators with vital professional development, collegial networks, innovative projects, and supporting resources
Positively impact the lives of millions of students
Develop high quality national standards, curricula, and instructional models
Support states, districts and schools with resources, expertise, and advocacy
Form an alliance of media art associated organizations (art, edu, industry, gaming, VR, etc.)
Advance education into 21st century relevant, student-centered models
WHY? Media Arts is the basis of our society’s digital communications, designs, and social interactivity. They are how we know about, interact with, and design our world. These production skills and media literacies are essential to preparing all students for the 21st Century!
These forms are also creatively unlimited in capacity allowing students to design, construct, and simulate any product, presentation, or experience imaginable, and incorporate all arts and core contents in engaging and dynamic projects. Media arts is an exciting gateway to STEM!
Creatively unlimited physical/virtual multimodal laboratories and tools – the ultimate makerspace
A hub discipline that dissolves silos between subjects, for integrated, transdisciplinary learning
Comprehensive range of 21st century skill sets and competencies
Critical literacies across media, technology and digital culture
Increased access for all learners to core academic content and processes (e.g. Special Education, English Language Learners, socio-economically disadvantaged)
Increased outreach and interactions between learners, schools and communities
Real world learning, school to work connections and pathways, and creative workforce preparation
An accessible, democratizing art form that reflects contemporary ideas, capacities and culture
Increased learner engagement, self-direction, deeper learning, and cultural empowerment
Integrates and complements AI with embodied, project-based, social, ethical, contextually rich learning
40 States have adopted national media arts standards; small advancements (credentials, courses)
1+ year NAMAE non-profit incorporation
Network of approx. 1000 supporters (educators, community); Website 16,000 users (2024)
4 physical convenings for educators - LAUSD 23, NAEA 24, 25, ISTE 25
Numerous workshops, presentations - Infosys, ISTE, TCEA, LAUSD, NAEA, FETC, Korea
2 years of monthly webinars - connecting, organizing and informing the the media arts community
Educators’ surveys - 124 respondents; 98% support for NAMAE & Benefits - e.g. specific PD, convention
SEADAE State Progress Report - tracking MAE progress across US
Supported states with information, expertise and advice - CA, MA, OH, OK, AZ, OR, WA, MN, MD, PA
Initiated NYMAEX Presenters List and Media Arts Resources Archive
Growing list of partners and national recognition - AEA, NAMLE, AFTA, NCAS
YouTube Channel with 6 interviews
NCAS collaborations on Standards Revision Guidance, 8 Teacher Produced Model Lessons
Arts Education Alliance (AEA) for advancing federal arts ed policy
Book - "Media Arts Education" - Establishes and advances the MAE field through comprehensive research, examples, theory
Our History
1990’s - Media arts was initially developed in Minnesota’s Perpich Center
2006-10 - LAUSD established media arts through standards, curricula and 8 regional model middle and high school programs; 150 media arts teachers were identified
2010-14 - The Media Arts Committee oversaw development of National Media Arts Standards (NMAS) in collaboration with National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
2014 - Present - 39 states have adopted NMAS, and begun developing programs
2018 - 2024 - Media Arts Committee begins the National Initiative for Media Arts Education, connecting educators and supporters, initiating research, development
2024 - National Association for Media Arts Education is incorporated under fiscal sponsorship with Young Audiences, and the National Coalition for Arts Standards
Prioritized NAMAE Startup Components:
Startup funding for basic organizational development - e.g. communications, financial, operations and project management - $15k
2 part-time employees - run the organization and advance systemic objectives - $20k
Interns - $5k
Media & Communications - $5k
Website - $10k
PD packages and online PLCs - $10k
Development across content, curricula, courses, professional development, post-secondary 10k
Branding marketing - $10k
Fundraising - Grassroots, Crowdsourcing, Gala/Festival - $5k
Scale-up - Development/lobbying across educational/state/community systems - $10k
Webcast production - $5k
Host Online Convention 2025 - $15k
Research - what is out there that is working? Support, highlight and expand on - $5k
National Media Arts Standards Development $20k
Proposed Annual Operational Budget – $100,000
We are forming a coalition of associated media arts organizations to support and advance this effort (edu, media, arts, industry, non-profit, civic and social). Do you support students to produce media arts?
The following example projects would recruit media arts educators to work with core subject teachers in collaborative, interdisciplinary projects:.
Democracy & Journalism/Media Literacy - News video project and exhibition
National Science Video Competition - “The Science of Climate Change”
3D Urban Sustainable Design - Utilize a game engine platform to redesign local environments based on UNESCO Principles and local planning guidelines
Transmedia Campaign for Mental Well Being - Create the variety of media to promote mental health, digital literacies, critical analysis and civic engagement and values
Any denomination is welcome to support, scale-up, develop and advance media arts education.
GOLD SPONSOR - $20,000 - Logo on website, all communications, all events
SILVER SPONSOR - $10,000 - Logo on website and all communications
BRONZE SPONSOR $5,000 - Logo on website
SUPPORTING SPONSOR - $1,000 - Logo in a specific event, project, or communication - webinar, newsletter, fundraising campaign, exhibition, convention, video project
Dain Olsen, President & CEO, NAMAE -